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Here at Corby Technical School, we believe that reading is our “ticket for life”. Our fabulously resourced library is a key hub of the school where we encourage and support students of all ages and abilities to  develop and foster a love of reading for pleasure.  Already this year, we have had record levels of borrowing and our library is a welcome and comfortable space where students can: borrow books, read for pleasure, study, take part in library clubs, receive library lessons, meet with their sixth form reading mentor and train to be one of our student librarians.

Library Expectations:

Expectations of behaviour

The library is an area that can be used for quiet study. Please keep volume to a minimum during our study sessions. 

  • No food, drink or chewing gum should be taken into the library (except bottled water).
  • Mobile phones are not permitted in the space (Sixth Form students may use phones to access work and listen to music with headphones).

Please show respect and consideration for others by:

  • entering and exiting the room calmly and quietly
  • being respectful and polite to the Librarian
  • listening to and following instructions given by the Librarian

Please leave the library tidy by:

  • returning used books to the shelves
  • putting any rubbish in the bin
  • tucking any chairs you have used away

Borrowing Resources:

Once you have chosen the resource(s) you wish to borrow, take them to the Circulation Desk and the Librarian will be able to log the details into the Library Management System.

The item(s) will be stamped with the date to be returned by, at which point you should either return it/them or see the Librarian to renew it/then.

Overdue items:

The library does not charge for overdue items; however, after a series of reminders, it is presumed that the stock has been lost, and the full cost of the item(s) will be charged.

The procedure for chasing overdue items for students is as follows:

  •  reminder via form tutor
  • email to student recalling item
  • one email/letter to parents/guardians informing of a charge to the student’s account

The procedure for chasing overdue items for staff is as follows:

  • two email reminders
  • one email requesting payment

Occasionally, the department a member of staff belongs to will be charged for lost items.

Corby Technical School staff and students can make requests for resources by filling in request slips which are available from the Circulation Desk. All requests are considered.

Student Librarians in Training:

We offer a brilliant programme in the Library where students can sign-up at the start of each year to become a Librarian in Training. They complete a number of tasks and are given training by the Librarian for numerous challenges, completing Award Checklists as they go. Our award system is as follows:

  • First Award Librarian in Training
  • Bronze Librarian in Training
  • Silver Librarian in Training
  • Gold Librarian in Training
  • Platinum Librarian in Training

Once they achieve each award, the student will receive a personalised certificate, prize and badge that they can wear around the school to represent our reading community.

This year has been a fantastic success, with just over thirty students signed up to the programme! From Year 7 to Year 11, we believe that this project allows students the chance to develop key life and learning skills, which they will then be able to take with them as they progress with opportunities.

Library Lessons:

Here at Corby Technical School, we believe that reading is our “ticket for life”. To develop and foster a love of reading for pleasure, we offer all our Year 7 and 8 students fortnightly Library Lessons, which are delivered by our Librarian.  These lessons are designed to not only support the English Curriculum, but to also engage students in an environment surrounded by books.

Library Clubs:

We currently run the following co-curricular clubs:

  • Wii Play Pals
  • Book Club
  • Crochet Club
  • Librarians in Training and Duke of Edinburgh Volunteers