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Year 7 place for September 2024

Application for school place in Year 7 in September 2024

Applications open for the September 2024 entry on September 8th  2023. Parents will be able to apply for secondary school places for September 2024 from this date by applying to School Admissions at Northamptonshire County Council – details on how to apply. The number of students who are admitted to Corby Technical School in Year 7 will be 150.

All applications for a place at the school must be made through the Local Authority using the Common Preference Form. This can be accessed through this link – applications can be made online or by paper. Please note that you will be required to submit three preferences. Applicants cannot be guaranteed that they will be offered one of their preferences.

Where more than 150 applications are received the oversubscription criteria will be applied, further details on the oversubscription criteria can be found in the Brooke Weston Trust Admissions Policy (Appendix 8).

If you have any queries, please contact


Timetable for September 2024 Admissions

8th  September 2023 Online applications open and Information to parents/carers
31st October 2023 Closing date for applications (5.00pm). Applications received after this date will not be processed (until additional rounds of allocations)
Late November Ontime applicants will receive an invitation by Brooke Weston Trust to the cognitive ability test in December
1st March 2024 National Offer Day - Offers made to parents/carers by NCC

Closing date for appeals (5.00pm)


Appeal hearings by Appeal Panel

Holiday Inn, Geddington Road, Corby, Northamptonshire,
NN18 8ET

If the application is unsuccessful, parents/carers will be informed as to how to submit an appeal.

Waiting list

The Academy operates a waiting list up until 31st December of the year of entry. If a place is available in Year 7 then it will be filled by a place on the waiting list subject to the conditions set out in the policy for entry to Year 7. Parents/carers must notify the school if they wish their child to be on the waiting list.

In Year Applications (for a school place in Year 7 (after 31st December of year of entry) to Year 11)

All applications for a place at the Academy must be made through the Local Authority and can be accessed through this link– applications must be made online

The school will consider all applications for places. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, the above oversubscription criteria will be applied. The outcome of each application will be communicated to the parent/carer within the specified timescales. If the application is unsuccessful, parents/carers will be informed as to how to submit an appeal.

Waiting list

The school operates a waiting list for Year 7 – Year 11 places. This is held by the Local Authority. If a place is available then it will be filled by a place on the waiting list subject to the conditions set out in the oversubscription criteria. Parents/carers must notify the Local Authority if they wish their child to be on the waiting list. Parents/carers must reconfirm they wish their child to remain on the waiting list within one week of the start of each new academic term. Failure to do so may result in removal from the waiting list.

Admission arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan or a statement of special educational needs (SEN) there is a separate process for your child's school admission. Further details on how to apply can be found here.

Application for a Sixth Form place

The Academy will consider all applications into our Sixth Form. The entry requirements for all students and details on how to apply can be found here.