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Art Department

We offer a high-quality art curriculum which inspires and challenges students, we encourage independent thinking , asking students to enquire and communicate ideas, meanings and feelings, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own works of art.

As pupil’s progress through the school they will be able to think critically and develop an understanding of art and its importance in giving students a creative approach to accepting different viewpoints, adapting to changing environments and using their own initiative. Students will learn how art has shaped our history and contributes to past and present .Art projects will use British Values of tolerance, respect and responsibility to challenge and encourage students in their creative processes.

All students will explore artists and art movements through primary and secondary sources, they will become confident in different artistic mediums through a variety of skill-based projects. This will enable them to build transferable skills for a fast-changing global market where creativity and resilience is a vital skill.

There are two well-equipped art studios, two IT suites, students receive a high level of individually tailored support from a skilled team of teachers and support staff. 

The qualification we study for at GCSE and A Level is OCR J171 Fine Art.

Online learning resources with links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites.

Examples of Modern Art

Examples of Portraiture

Examples of Contemporary Art

Inspiration Boards

The official web page for the world’s largest drawing festival.

Career links

Qualifications in Art and Design can lead to a wide variety of careers, including:

  • Illustrator
  • Photographer
  • Animator
  • Graphic designer
  • Arts administrator
  • Print maker
  • Teacher/ University lecturer