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Page 39

  • 10-06 Geography students visit Hunstanton

    Published 10/06/15

    Our students are taking part in an exciting Geography project in Hunstanton this week.

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  • 10-06 School's landscape has changed

    Published 10/06/15

    The landscape of our school site has changed dramatically within the past few weeks.

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  • 10-06 Book Club is shadowing Carnegie judges

    Published 10/06/15

    Members of our popular Book Club have been avidly reading the titles shortlisted for one of the UK’s most prestigious book awards.

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  • 03-06 Santa Pod comes to CTS

    Published 03/06/15

    Our students had the chance to take the wheel of a car which can travel at more than 300mph.

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  • 03-06 French Trip is a huge success

    Published 03/06/15

    Our second trip abroad has been heralded a huge success.

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  • 20-05 Major careers conference inspires our students

    Published 20/05/15

    Four of our students mixed with space engineers, RAF pilots and celebrities at a major careers conference.

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  • 20-05 Currently Reading Scheme goes from strength to strength

    Published 20/05/15

    Our Currently Reading scheme is going from strength to strength.

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  • 13-05 Spelling Bee Champion is Crowned

    Published 13/05/15

    Corby Technical School has a new Spelling Bee champion.

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  • 13-05 Students visit De Montfort University

    Published 13/05/15

    A group of 15 students took part in the second of our series of Year 9 University Trips.

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  • 06-05 Students can join Trust's Combined Cadet Force

    Published 06/05/15

    Our students have been given the chance to join the Brooke Weston Trust’s Combined Cadet Force for the first time.

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  • 06-05 Scooter Rider moves up UK rankings

    Published 06/05/15

    A teenage Scooter Rider has moved even higher up the UK rankings for his age group.

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  • 29-04 Final preparations are under way for French trip

    Published 29/04/15

    Our staff and students will soon embark on our second residential trip abroad.

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