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Page 16

  • Boxing clever! Students learn DT skills with project

    Published 29/11/18

    DT teacher Mr Andy Hirst is pleased with the first project that he has done with Year 8 and 9 students  who have made wooden boxes using a variety of woods.

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  • Mr Lee is on the SSAT Leadership Legacy Fellows programme

    Published 26/11/18

    Congratulations to our Assistant Head of Maths, James Lee, who has been accepted onto the prestigious Leadership Legacy Project run by SSAT, the Schools, Students and Teachers network.

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  • CTS is trialling Apple education iPads in lessons

    Published 20/11/18

    Students at Corby Technical School are taking part in a month-long study to see how iPads can be used most effectively in schools.

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  • Reece co-ordinates Remembrance assembly

    Published 14/11/18

    Sixth Former Reece Pollen co-ordinated this year’s Remembrance assembly at Corby Technical School, a task he has been doing for the past few years.

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  • CCF cadets’ success at BWT Remembrance & Awards ceremony

    Published 13/11/18

    Well done to all of our CCF cadets who took part in the Brooke Weston Trust’s Annual Remembrance Parade and Beret Presentation Ceremony and congratulations to those who received awards and promotions.

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  • Round up of CTS’s amazing Ambition for All month!

    Published 09/11/18

    Students and staff at Corby Technical School had an action-packed Ambition for All month that included overseas trips, academic, music and arts activities along with a ‘Student of the Day’ award.

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  • Female students inspired by STEAM

    Published 05/11/18

    On Thursday, a group of female students from CTS took part in ‘Women in STEAM’, an event held at Rockingham Motor Speedway, which encouraged female students to consider STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Design, and Maths) based Higher Education choices by exposing them to the potential career options the subjects could lead into.

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  • Action-packed activity week

    Published 10/10/18

    Year 7 students are taking part in a variety of activities this week to welcome them to Corby Technical School.

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  • Students visit leading supplier of automation technology

    Published 03/10/18

    A group of our Year 7 students have met engineers from a leading world-wide supplier of automation technology.

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  • CTS annual production announced as High School Musical

    Published 03/10/18

    We are very excited to announce that this academic year the school be performing a production of ‘High School Musical’.

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  • Frantic Assembly for Year 9 Boys

    Published 03/10/18

    A group of our Year 9 male students recently took part in a workshop with London based Theatre Company Frantic Assembly.

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  • More Ambition For All

    Published 01/10/18

    Students and staff at CTS are excited to be this month’s torchbearer of the ‘More Ambition For All’ initiative, making us the second school in the Trust to launch the campaign this year.

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