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Page 13

  • Careers week launches at CTS

    Published 17/06/19

    There is a careers focus at Corby Technical School this week with students taking part in exciting work experience placements, including at the Palace of Westminster. There are also trips and a range of visitors coming in to talk to students about employment routes and options.

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  • CTS students enjoy writing workshop with award-winning author

    Published 14/05/19

    Award-winning author Tamsin Winter led a workshop with students at Corby Technical School, where they wrote compelling opening paragraphs and learned about story structure.

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  • CTS win Faraday Challenge

    Published 08/05/19

    On Friday, a group of our students attended a STEM competition at Kettering Science Academy  led by the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

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  • Kara's CD launch raises thousands for charity

    Published 01/05/19

    The launch of talented singer Kara Hamer’s first CD was eventful, raising £3,000 for the charity that has supported her musical talents.

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  • CTS take part in the Big Book Quiz

    Published 29/04/19

    Corby Technical School joined Secondary schools from across the Brooke Weston Trust at Corby Business Academy for the Trust’s annual Big Book Quiz, attended by author David Cousins.

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  • CTS’ annual production is a huge hit

    Published 23/04/19

    Congratulations to all students who made this year’s production of High School Musical a great success, as well as Drama Teacher Mr Stephen Cox for all his hard work casting and directing the show.

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  • CCF takes part in Combat Cadet competition

    Published 26/03/19

    Well done to our CCF cadets who took part in the Combat Cadet competition at the Stanford Training Ground in Norfolk at the weekend. Nine cadets represented the Brooke Weston Trust contingent in about 14 different events.  

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  • CTS presents High School Musical

    Published 25/03/19

    CTS presents High School Musical on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th April at 7pm in the main theatre. 

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  • CTS students invited to careers fair

    Published 25/03/19

    Students from Corby Technical School are welcome at the huge careers fair that is taking place tomorrow (26 March) with more than 50 local and national exhibitors.

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  • CTS runs successful Teen Triple P programme

    Published 20/03/19

    There has been positive feedback on an innovative course at Corby Technical School, which has given families lots of strategies, support and ideas on parenting teenagers.

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  • 'Commando Joe’s' launches at CTS

    Published 19/03/19

    Romano Betts,  a trainer with Commando Joe’s organisation, will be running regular sessions with Year 9 and 10 students at Corby Technical School.

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  • Students take part in Cyber competition

    Published 01/03/19

    A group of female students in Year 8 were recently took part in the CyberFirst Girls competition organised by the UK government.

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