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Art (Fine Art)

  Fine Art



The OCR A Level Art and Design specifications are designed to encourage learners to develop skills, creativity, imagination and independence based on personal experience, taught skills and critical understanding. Learners show this through their responses to a range of stimuli.

The aims and learning outcomes are to enable learners to develop:

•Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capabilities
•Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement
•Independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating their own ideas, their own intentions and their own personal outcomes
•The experience of working with a broad range of media

•An understanding of the interrelationships between art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate.

Course Content:

The course is made up of two components:

Component 1:

Personal investigation (portfolio of practical work and an extended written response of a minimum of 1000 words)

Component 2:

Externally set task


Exam paper is released in February. It will give learners a choice of themes with visual starting points. Learners choose ONE option to research and produce a creative response.

Learners are required to provide evidence of all assessment objectives in response to their chosen theme during a 15 hour supervised time period.

Career Pathways:

Theatre Design, Art Therapist, Teacher, Fashon Design, Graphic Design, Illustartor, Curator, Architecture, Garden Design, Web Design, Photographer, Conservator, Jewellery Design or Artist.

Entry Criteria:

Grade 6 or above in GCSE Art if studied.